Sword-For-Hire (Rental)
The bigger that his Barracks grows, The less the Master each Champion knows; The Master needs the Champs to fight, But the Champions need a guiding light. And so the Master is thus inspired, To take advantage of the Sword-for-Hire; He rents his Champs for golden pieces, And both his and others’ luck increases.
Rental Overview
NOTE: Rental is in alpha testing. There are many future developments planned. It is still under construction. Instructional videos, overviews, tutorials, and more are all forthcoming. This is not a finished product. Feedback is welcome.
How Rental Works
The rental platform is hosted by our partners IQ Protocol.
Effectively, when a rental is initiated, the original Champion will be sent securely to the IQ protocol rental contract, where it is held in custody. An identical ‘clone’ version, known as a ‘wrapped’ NFT is then sent to the renter. This wrapped Champion can have conditions imposed upon it; for example, it cannot be transferred between wallets, cannot be sold, and cannot be used to Summon. It is automatically transferred back out of the renter’s wallet at the end of the predetermined rental period. Using this system, there is no risk to the renter, the owner, or the Champion.
Rented Champions can compete in 8 player Tournaments, SNGs, Community events, Championships, and 1v1s, but cannot be used in ‘Play-For-Keeps’ (To-The-Death) 1v1s.
A Champion cannot be used to Summon by either the owner, or the person who rented it, while it is rented. Keep this in mind if a Summoning Cycle is approaching!
How to Use Rental
Video Tutorial
Start with this introductory video by all-around legend, @AKidFromCompton. (COMING SOON!)
How to LIST a Champion for Rent
Head to IQ Protocol, connect your wallet, and then click ‘List NFT’
Choose the Champion/s you want to rent out and set your preferred conditions (terms)
In the near future IQ Protocol will have the ability to mass-upload Champions for larger Barracks
Submit transaction through your Metamask
When you want the Champion back, submit a transaction recalling the Champion. If the rental period is finished, it will be returned immediately. If the rental period is still ongoing, it will be returned immediately upon its completion.
Rental Fees & Conditions
Currently, the owner of a Champion can choose to:
Set the amount of time a Champion is rented out for (hours or days)
Set the rental fee (from $0 to $inifinity)
Set the revenue split between their own wallet and the renter’s wallet (this is how much will be paid to the owner of total (gross) earnings, not net earnings - so best to keep this at or below 20%!!)
This is also how XP will be split, when Runes are implemented into gameplay
Not available yet, but in future versions of rental, the owner will also be able to:
Choose how many Tournaments a rented Champion can compete in
Rental Restrictions
Rental Champions cannot compete in 1v1 ‘To-The-Death’ (ie “Play For Keeps” matches)
Rental Champions cannot be used to Summon
Rental Champions cannot be transferred between wallets or sold
Last updated