Process of Summoning
The Summoner’s Spellbook is the directory that shows all the Champions that are currently available to Summon with, and where you can list your Champions’ blood for other Battlemasters to Summon with. While a Champion is in the Spellbook, it can still compete in Tournaments as per usual. After the Champion has been used in a Summoning it will need some time to recover, and will not be able to enter a Tournament for a period of time. This applies to both Champions which participated in the Summoning. (Note: This period may change in future).
You can then choose to Summon with one of your other eligible Champions or select a Champion from the Summoner’s Spellbook.
On a desktop or laptop, Champion on the left side from your Barracks is known as the Bloodtaker and the Champion on the right side (either from your own Barracks or the Spellbook) is known as the Bloodgiver. The Bloodtaker’s Barracks will be the owner of the newly Summoned Champion!
On a mobile device or iPad, the Champion at the top is known as the Bloodtaker, and the Champion on the bottom is known as the Bloodgiver. Please note that the title will appear in the Champion's tile (Bloodtaker or Bloodgiver).
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