Prizepool: Juicers and Finale SNGs

Juicers (topped-up SNGs)

Juicers (topped up SNGs) appear 3 times a day for each battle class except Bloodbath. If a Juicer isn’t filled, it will be canceled.

To enter a Juicer your Champion needs to qualify in three ways:

  • Hold an eligible Season Pass

  • Have competed in the required number of Tournaments within the last 8 hours. To begin, the Champion must have competed in at least 5 Tournaments in the last 8 hours.

    • This number might vary. Changes to this number will be announced before the start of each new Season.

  • The Champ must be in the right Elo range. The higher the battle class the higher the prizes.

Juicer Payout Structures

The types of pay-outs are different for each Battle Class and are applied randomly to Juicers.

  • Heroic - reverse, Mid tier & traditional

  • Legendary - regular, mid tier, reverse, double up

  • Immortal - double up, traditional, alt

Higher Battle Classes receive more of the total Prize Pools (PP).

Juicer Prize Pool Splits

The amount of money added to each Season is based on a % of the total PP available.

  • The first three weeks of Juicers and Raffles in a Season are paid for with 60% of the net Prizepool from the Season beforehand.

  • The last week of a Season is paid with 40% of the net Prizepool from the current Season.

  • Seasons Zero and One will be topped up by The Red Village team.

Season Incentives

Season Pass Raffle

  • Champions with a Season Pass collect 1 raffle ticket for every 12 hours that they enter a Tournament during the first three weeks of a Season.

  • Prizes for these raffles are paid out at the end of each of the first three weeks.

  • Rewards include things such as Wisdom, Stance Reveals, & Refunds. These will be announced in Discord.

Other Season Incentives

  • High Wisdom events for Season Pass holding Champions only

  • Tournaments or SnG’s with Stance Reveals for winners

The Season Finalé (SNG)

This is a free to enter SnG with a large top-up which is whitelisted to only the the top 32/64/128.256 Champions by Season-specific Elo, depending on the size of the Season. These will have a range of payout structures.

Tiebreakers for Finale's:

  1. Elo

  2. Most First Places

  3. Win Rate (%)

  4. Coin Toss by the team

Last updated