The Blood Queen's Sacrifice

Throughout a Season, players can choose to send any Champion that they own to a specific Burn wallet. These can be Pureblood, Halfblood, or Soulless. Any Champion is eligible.

At the end of the Season, all Champions that were sent to the Burn wallet are entered into an SNG. There are three tiers of results in the Blood Queen’s Sacrifice:

  • Tier Three: Approx Top 20% - Stance Reveal for the Champion, Champ returned

  • Tier Two: Approx Top 10% - As above, a Season Pass for the Champion for the next Season, plus 2,000 Wisdom for that Champion

  • Tier One: Winner - All the above, plus the Champ retains their Season Training bonuses for the next Season

If the number of burned Champions does not equal a full SNG, the TRV team may break it into a series of smaller SNGs, and/or add TRV team Champions to fill them. This may require random draw, random seeding, or even your Champion skipping a round. This will be done randomly.

Last updated

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